『Dynojet ダイノジェット POWER COMMANDER V[1020-2927] YZF-R1 YAMAHA ヤマハ』はヤフオクでから04月29日 06時 11分に出品され04月29日 06時 11分に終了予定です。即決価格は34,549円に設定されています。現在81件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。大阪府からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
納期状況をご確認ください商品概要Base Color:Black,RedColor/Finish:Black,RedFeature:USB PoweredModel:Power Commander VOxygen Loop Control:Open LoopPhysical Connection:Plug-In (OEM Style Connectors)Product Name:Fuel Injection ModuleProgramming:Pre-Programmed,ProgrammableRiding Style:StreetUnits:Each詳細説明・Fuel control for each individual cylinder in a smallerenclosure・Warm-upfuel adjustment (unit reads engine temp and allowsfuel/timing adjustments based on the reading)・Reduced size from the PCIII USB・Easy to install・USB powered from computer;9 volt adapter is no longer needed・Two-position map-switching function built in・Can add any Single Pole Single Throw (SPST) switch and togglebetween two different fuel maps・Gear/speed input allows for map adjustment based on gear・Analog input allows user to install any 0-5 volt sensor・Build an adjustment table based on analog input such as boost ortemperature・Power Commander V is capable of allowing each cylinder to bemapped individually and for each gear with the gear position inputconnected・More tuning ranges than PCIII USB・Enhancedaccel pumputility・For Offroad and ATV,see appropriate catalog under Moose PowerCommanders・Made in the U.S.A.SECONDARY FUEL MODULE・Thebasicmode allows you to have a single fuel table that simplyputs the requested fuel change in both upper and lower injectormodules at the same time・Allows for the adjustment of all eight-injectors・Allows for the use of the Dynojet Quick Shifter sensor oneight-injector bikes which provides added fuel control and shifterfunctionality・You can also map each injector separately,giving you up to 48complete maps・Adjusts both upper and lower injectors by as much as+250/-100%・If gear position input is connected to your PCV,you can adjust allof the injectors on aper gearbasis・Single cable connection to the PCV・Thebasicmode is the perfect setting for modified engines thatrequire more fuel than four-injectors can provide,but do not needthe complexity of mapping each cylinder and each gearseparately・Connects to the upper injector rail using OEM connectors・See application chart for availabilityQUICK SHIFTER EXPANSION MODULE・The QEM allows the Dynojet Quick Shifter sensor to be used withPower Commander V on bikes that have eight injectors・Once the sensor is attached you will have full Quick Shifterfunctionality・The QEM connects to the upper injectors and then into the PCV注意点※メーカー都合により商品の仕様変更がある場合がございます。ご了承ください。※取り扱い説明書は英語となります。※輸入商材の為、納期が遅れる場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。※QEM is not necessary if using the SFM. ※画像はイメージです。適合車種YZF-R1 YZF-R1 年式: 12-14商品番号22-054
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81 入札履歴