『LA CHOPPERS エルエーチョッパーズ ケーブルキット 15-17 ブラック FLTR ABS用【CABLE KT BK15-17FLTR ABS [0610-0569]】 Road Glide (EFI) - FLTR 2008 - 2009 Road Glide Custom - FLTRX 2010 - 2013 Road Glide Ultra - FLTRU 2011 - 2013』はヤフオクでから05月18日 01時 50分に出品され05月18日 01時 50分に終了予定です。即決価格は35,994円に設定されています。現在477件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。徳島県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
商品概要ABS:ハンドルバー高さ:15、17ハンドルバースタイル:APEハンガークリアコート:-カラー:ブラックディスク:デュアルU.S.A.製:素材:ステンレス、ビニールモデル:15 - 17 APEハンガー専用設計:スタイル:ロングタイプタイプ:ブレーキラインキット、ハンドルバーケーブルABS:YesBAR HEIGHT:15,17BAR STYLE:Ape HangerCLEAR-COATED:NoCOLOR:BlackDISC:DualMADE IN THE U.S.A.:YesMATERIAL:Stainless Steel,VinylMODEL:15 - 17 Ape HangerSPECIFIC APPLICATION:YesSTYLE:Extended ReplacementTYPE:Brake Line Kit,Handlebar Cable詳細説明・Take cable calculation headaches out of swapping handlebars・Individual components for all kits are available as listed・Made in the U.S.A.・COMPLETE KITS Kits include the correct length braided cables, brake/clutch lines and wire extensions to complete a handlebar swap・Stainless braided kits include throttle cable, idle cable (as required), clutch cable or clutch line, brake lines, chrome T brake line junction, banjo bolts, fittings and copper crush washers・Black vinyl/stainless kits include throttle and idle cables (as required), black vinyl clutch cable or clutch line and brake lines with chrome fittings, banjo bolts and crush washers・Midnight series kits include throttle cable, idle cable (as required) clutch cable or clutch line brake lines covered in a black smoke tinted coating with pure black fittings throughout; lines appear graphite or carbon fiber in appearance providing that ultra custom look and the black fittings seamlessly blend with blacked out controls and covers on the bike・STANDARD KITSKits include the correct length cables and brake/clutch lines and wire extensions to complete a handlebar swap; electrical wire extensions not included (available separately)・Stainless braided kits include throttle cable, idle cable (except 08-16 Dressers), clutch cable/clutch line, brake lines, chrome T brake line junction, banjo bolts, fittings and copper crush washers・Black vinyl/stainless kits include black vinyl throttle and idle cables (except 08-16 Dressers), black vinyl clutch cable/clutch line and black stainless brake lines with chrome fittings, banjo bolts and crush washers・The midnight kits include stainless steel brakes, cables and lines covered in a black smoke tinted coating with pure black fittings throughout; lines appear graphite or carbon fiber in appearance providing that ultra custom look and the black fittings seamlessly blend with blacked out controls and covers on the bike注意点※取り扱い説明書は英語となります。※輸入商材の為、納期が遅れる場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。適合車種Road Glide (EFI) - FLTR 2008 - 2009 Road Glide (EFI) - FLTR 2008 - 2009 Road Glide Custom - FLTRX 2010 - 2013 Road Glide Custom - FLTRX 2010 - 2013 Road Glide Ultra - FLTRU 2011 - 2013 Road Glide Ultra - FLTRU 2011 - 2013 商品番号LA-8050KT-16B
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477 入札履歴