『美品中古 Keeley Black Glass OC81D Fuzz Limited Edition 2015年 世界30台限定品』はヤフオクでから04月29日 08時 56分に出品され04月29日 08時 56分に終了予定です。即決価格は13,538円に設定されています。現在76件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。島根県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
商品説明中古 Keeley Black Glass OC81D Fuzz Limited Edition 中古美品2015年の1月にキーリー13周年記念モデルとして世界限定30個されたモノです。トーンベンダーMkⅢをベースに、NOSのPNP型 ゲルマニュウム・トランジスタ OC81Dを使用。ノイズの低減と高域のレスポンス向上、現代の9Vセンターマイナスのアダプタを使用可能したものです。中古 : 2015年1月に購入 音だしの為に一度接続して使用したのみで、美品です。付属品 : キーリーのステッカー、説明書(英語)ノークレーム、ノーリターンでお願いします。Limited Edition Keeley Black Glass OC81D Fuzz13th Anniversary Edition Hand Sanded by Robert Keeley, clear coated, then emblazoned with the BLACK GLASS BRITISH FUZZ LOGO!. Limited edition of 30 units with Hard to Find Black Glass OC81D transistor circuit.The 100% hand-built Black Glass is a modern compact circuit of the classic OC81 based design and was created for the most demanding fuzz effects lovers. The Black Glass offers a wealth of tone bending vintage musical MkIII sounds with reduced noise and treble response and a modern power supply.With controls for FUZZ, TONE, and LEVEL the Black Glass makes it easy for players to dial in very wild amounts of fuzz. Modifications to the circuit allow for an increased high frequency not heard of before as well as ultra-low noise. Furthermore, design modifications have solved temperature problems that can affect vintage fuzz units. Players have the needed power supply inversion so that they can use a regular 9 Volt power supply.“Our design team focused on building a MkIII style circuit with a stash of Black Glass OC81D transistors that Robert Keeley found. This type of PNP Germanium pedal can be expensive, bulky, and can have variances in sound quality so our goal was clear: create a best-in-class product that combines compact versatility, repeatable musical tone, and low noise in a compact effect,” said Robert Keeley, founder and chief engineer, Keeley Electronics. “To achieve this, we employed several technical innovations from our Time Machine Boost and Holy Fuzz designs. We also use techniques to nearly eliminate temperature coefficient problems in germanium designs. The end result is that the Black Glass British Fuzz is vintage fuzz effect we are extremely proud of and excited to offer to our customers in this very rare and extremely limited edition and is ready for any stage, no matter how hot!”
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